Description:OE-CAKE! is demonstration software for 2D-based multi-physics simulation.
In a way similar to drawing images using paint software, users create objects and can see them move according to the laws of physics.
This software supports various physical materials with real life properties such as fluids, gases, rigid (hard) objects and elasticity (soft) objects as building blocks.
Users can combine these objects to create and play with more complex objects and mechanisms such as cars, gears and moving dolls. Users can also attach pictures and photos to objects and change their shape, break them apart, or melt them.
Use your imagination to create your own unique world!
Controls:/ = Rain
~ = Pour fire
0 = Toggle user colours/textures
Arrow keys = Control position & rate of flow
Arrow keys = Control User element
Hold SHIFT and press:
2 = Fire
' = Fire (on non-US keyboards)
; = Reset Momentum (try holding ; while pouring)
5 = "Static Pressure" On/Off
Hold SHIFT and press to pour:
(try also alternating between buttons rapidly such as E+B to make chunks of elastic/brittle)
Q = Water
W = Wall
E = Elastic
R = Rigid
T = Tensile
Y = Snow
U = User element
I = Inflow
O = Outflow
P = Powder
S = Spring
D = Dense
F = Fuel
G = Gas
H = Heater
J = Jet
K = Rice
L = Light
X = Rigid Axis
C = Cooler
V = Viscous
B = Brittle
M = Mochi
Combinations:You can combine different materials by pressing ESC *letters of materials you would like to mix* ESC, eg. ESC W H J G I ESC
You can download it here:It's for Windows: Mac version (not tested): some information about OE-Cake visit this page: some instructional movies on YouTube.