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Senior Member
Reputation: 9
Posts: 474
1337 Admin
« on: February 17, 2009, 09:43:22 am » |
1.Have you ever been a moderator before . Y/N Yes, I have been moderating my friend's forum.
2.Why should we pick you . Type it here I think I am popular in TMJ and people know me here. I would be a good Mod because I'm active and I would keep everything clean.
3.Are you looking to Moderate a specific board? Y/N , if yes , which? Nope, I haven't been thinking about it yet.
4.Anything else we should know about ? Y/N , if yes , what? I think you know enough about me :-) If you have any questions PM me here or on Toribash.
Hope you will pick me :-)
Thanks, Luke